
Did "Turning Red" Have You Turning Red?

Prior to watching Pixar's newest film "Turning Red," I had read quite a few reviews - starting with one that I posted. My message was - and still is - that your family has the right to choose what is best for your family. If you choose to watch this movie, great. If you choose not to watch this movie, again, great. That should be a personal/family choice. And you shouldn't be shamed for either of those decisions. I've now heard from both those who are for and those who are opposed to what this movie is about and I thought I'd put in my two cents.  I have come to realize that I am not a fan of most of the Disney movies where humans turn in to animals. "Brother Bear" and "Brave" would all fall under that category. (I know *gasp* I put BRAVE in there. Most people love that movie. I love the female empowerment idea of the film, but the execution of it fell short.) I'm not opposed to the ideas of the stories, but more the point of these stor...

Should We Submit To Our Governing Authority?

Dear Fellow Christians,  I’ve been concerned and convicted by the attitudes as of late - including my own, hence the conviction. (More on that at the bottom of the letter if you are interested). There are many people up in arms about the mandate for masks. I don’t like it either. Are masks effective? Possibly, possibly not. Are they a nuisance? Absolutely.  If they make others feel more comfortable should we be forced to wear them? No. However, we are not forced. We can go places where it’s not required: stay home, stay 6 feet apart or in a small group, go to a store that’s not requiring them (although, I know that *technically* they all should be). As a courtesy and to show love for others, should we wear them if it would make those we are around more comfortable? Yes. But, that’s not the issue – the issue is the mask mandate . As believers, what does the Bible tell us about the authority God has set over us? Regardless of our feelings about different issues, God’s Word is ...

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes in School

I haven't shared on here in a while, but I really wanted to update people without the common outlet that I use of Facebook. At the beginning of the school year, I mapped out what my kids would be doing for school this year - we would be homeschooling, as we had done the year before. So, we started homeschooling again. This year, I was so much more prepared; so much more confident. I was excited about the experience and what would be happening. Not gonna lie: the first week was terrible . I called my mom within the first few days and told her that I was gonna send my son to school, I had already had enough. She talked to me, helped me process and make a game plan and set up a better system for Cade. We did it, and everything  went so much smoother. We continued to do Classical Conversations (CC) - which is a fantastic program. The kids and I had begun to make some friends in the program - we probably should've had more of that the first year, but I'm not so great at ...

And the Lord said...

God has really been working on me the last few weeks. I mean, He's always working on me, but recently it's been quite obvious workings. I don't want to forget them, so I am going to blog about them so as to not only seer them in my mind, but hopefully be an easy way of looking back on these timeless messages God has given me. First, the backstory: My family has been broken. About 4 years ago, we had some awful heartache happen with some of my family members. I will not go into detail, but I will say that I - over the past 4 years - have failed to follow God's instructions. I didn't realize it. I thought I was doing it right. My family member messed up. I "loved" them, but not the mistake. I told them they were wrong and when things didn't change, I "loved" them by setting up boundaries and only communicating when they communicated with me. And then, it was always short answers. Very. Short. Answers. I also was unkind and disassociated wit...

The real, messy, honest truth

WARNING: This post is going to be real, messy, honest. A friend of mine recently sent me this blog post . It describes how I'm feeling perfectly. Recently, I've been struggling with depression. Well, I've had depression since my daughter was born in 2013 - which I have been treating, however it seems to have crept up and become less manageable recently. Why am I sharing this with you? Because I want to be real. Because I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, especially as a mom. Many moms go around in a haze and are torn up and yet they put on their smiles and fake it till they make it. I'm not so great at that. I am a decent actress, but I don't want to be fake with those I love and care about. I'm hoping if you are in this place too, this post may give you peace in knowing you aren't alone and maybe encourage you to get help. Let me back this train up a bit: Since my dad died in 2006, I have become pretty self-aware of how I am feeling...

Big Hero 6 + The Incredibles, Related??

My husband and I have come up with a mind-blowing theory about the relationship between Big Hero 6's Aunt Cass  and The Incredibles' Mom - Elastigirl Oops...I mean Helen Parr... Ummm....sorry Helen, I definitely meant Elastigirl. As we watched Big Hero 6, we both couldn't help but think of The Incredibles. Helen & Cass seemed so similar in so many ways - the big eyes, the hair, their voices were slightly similar, and their sense of humor. It turns out in our theory, Helen Parr AKA Elastigirl, is actually Aunt Cass' sister. The superhero nature just runs in their blood, apparently. Helen and Cass had a brother. Their brother was Hiro & Tadashi's father. Although it seems like it would've been a wise decision to send Hiro & Tadashi to live with the Parr family AKA The Incredibles seeing as how they already had 3 kids, Hiro's father & mother made the decision that if anything were to happen to them, they'd want his sister C...

2014 - A Look Back

HEIDI'S NOTE: I just finished writing this whole blog and realized how incredibly long, monotonous and picture heavy this may be for someone not involved in our every day activities. So, if you are feeling courageous (and incredibly bored), scroll on down for the thorough run-through of our year. Otherwise, here is the short version:  ME: I broke both of my feet at the end of November 2013, so until the end of January, I walked around in two walking boots. Caring for a toddler and an infant with two broken feet was quite the challenge. Fast forward 3 months - I ran a 5k - then at the beginning of September, I ran my first Disneyland 10k and then in November, I ran my first official half-marathon!! I felt so proud of myself for achieving that after hardly being able to walk less than a year before. That was the biggest accomplishment of my year. However, my other big accomplishment was being cast as Inga in Young Frankenstein the Musical, where I had to learn to yodel. :) It ...