Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes in School
I haven't shared on here in a while, but I really wanted to update people without the common outlet that I use of Facebook. At the beginning of the school year, I mapped out what my kids would be doing for school this year - we would be homeschooling, as we had done the year before. So, we started homeschooling again. This year, I was so much more prepared; so much more confident. I was excited about the experience and what would be happening. Not gonna lie: the first week was terrible . I called my mom within the first few days and told her that I was gonna send my son to school, I had already had enough. She talked to me, helped me process and make a game plan and set up a better system for Cade. We did it, and everything went so much smoother. We continued to do Classical Conversations (CC) - which is a fantastic program. The kids and I had begun to make some friends in the program - we probably should've had more of that the first year, but I'm not so great at ...