
Showing posts from 2021

Should We Submit To Our Governing Authority?

Dear Fellow Christians,  I’ve been concerned and convicted by the attitudes as of late - including my own, hence the conviction. (More on that at the bottom of the letter if you are interested). There are many people up in arms about the mandate for masks. I don’t like it either. Are masks effective? Possibly, possibly not. Are they a nuisance? Absolutely.  If they make others feel more comfortable should we be forced to wear them? No. However, we are not forced. We can go places where it’s not required: stay home, stay 6 feet apart or in a small group, go to a store that’s not requiring them (although, I know that *technically* they all should be). As a courtesy and to show love for others, should we wear them if it would make those we are around more comfortable? Yes. But, that’s not the issue – the issue is the mask mandate . As believers, what does the Bible tell us about the authority God has set over us? Regardless of our feelings about different issues, God’s Word is ...